Friday, June 19, 2009

Recovery Tapping is EFT Tappers, Codependency Recovery and Dealing with Personality Disorders

What do EFT Tappers, Codependency Recovery and Dealing with Personality Disorders have in common?
This BLOG!

Come journey with me as I l support your journey toward recovery from codependency caused by living with loved ones who are either addicts or people with personality disorders. The ‘disease’ of codependency is a reaction that happens at the cellular level from the cradle and throughout the growing years into adolescents and adulthood. It’s a defense mechanism that turns into behaviors and beliefs that don’t serve us anymore. Its premise is that you make me happy and I make you happy and there are problems when that principle belief doesn’t work out. We will use EFT and other Meridian Tapping techniques to clear many codependency issues, themes and common feelings

EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques, PEAT, BSFF, Thought Field Therapy, Emotrance, and many other Energy Psychologies.
Codependency Recovery, 12 Step Recovery, SMART Recovery, Rehab Recovery
Axis II: Personality Disorders
and many other mental health issues, inclding all additions, depression, anxiety
which all affects relationships, and the most important one: with yourself which inludes your daily self-care. EFT is a MAJOR Leap in removing the emotional reactionary repeating issues that gets in the way of ignoring or neglecting or not scheduling time taking care of yourself.
How does that even feel to read about?

This BLOG represents my years of education, experience and training in psychology, with EFT, and many other self-help/growth/development techniques - that I have been really wanting to teach. But I've been a single working mom and social worker or psych tech all my life that I didn't have time or know-how on web pages, etc. Now with blogging and twittering I can finally share what I've (as a mental health clinician and the recovery I want to give back, I have a venue to put it out there.) I've since gotten passionate about EFT and how awesome the results are, that it finally all came together this year - put TAPPING with Recovery. I'm even writing a book on it, but that's another story.)

To your awesome journey
and a moment of silence for those still suffering.

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