Sunday, February 25, 2018

Daydream A Positive Ending | NLP4PTSD |Complex Trauma Recovery Tips

Did you know that you can create a positive ending to any negative thoughts or stories you hold in your mind, and that when you, it actually creates a new neuro-pathway in the brain?

The next time you catch yourself stuck in something negative, start to take over the story and give it a happy ending. Ask yourself, "and, what happens next?" and "what happens next after that?"

Practice this technique once per day, even for a couple minutes and it will change your life. Not only will you notice changes in yourself but you'll notice changes in your outside world also because it's a projection or a mirror of what we think and believe.

Whatever we think about - good or bad, whether it's "factual" or not, doesn't matter, it still deepens the neuro-pathway groove for that memory or thought in your mind. Be creative and start giving yourself happy endings and you won't be so stuck in negative thinking.

The practice itself is a good way to help yourself grow and change and take your power back. Fill your mind with powerful, positive thoughts, not powerless, negative thoughts. You want to project out things you want and enjoy.

That's what recovery is. Recovery is not just the absence of problems but the addition of wellness experiences. Positive experiences, whether you day dream them or live them, helps the brain stimulate positive neuro-transmitters. The stronger your new, positive neuro-pathways are, the more natural positive things will feel and you'll get used to feeling a little better each day.

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Thank you! JP Bailey, M.A.

Interested in EFT for Codependency Recovery? Get Relief from Emotional Pain & Relationship Issues!

Kindle Book: "EFT for Codependency"

NLP for Complex Trauma

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