Thursday, June 20, 2019

Resiliency Wrote Me A Letter | Recovery Tapping | JP Bailey

Resiliency wrote me a letter...

He wanted me to know what my assets and strengths were;
the reason why I'm here on this planet.

Healing called me...

She wanted me to find my true nature -
the path back to myself.

Recovery sent me a telegram...

Telling me I was unique and that made me special,
and then added..."The answers always change,
but the fact you have a calling remains."

Wellness texted me...

Saying to feel what I'm doing.  And reminded me,
"That was your Soul's journey, you did nothing wrong.
You only need know or ask what you are learning,
and what you are doing with your gifts...
for that is where your calling lies."

Calling knocked on my door...

She said I'm on 
a mission of healing,
a journey of recovery,
a path of wellness, ...

...all in one easy-to-do daily routine
that covers all the areas
where I've been injured.

Power was on my calendar...

Reminding me I had a date with a call-to-action
but only if it's mission critical.

The Answer rang my bell...

And said, "Pay attention to the healer archetype
in the mirror that you are projecting out.
Wounded Healer Love Thyself."

Please SHARE using Social Media Buttons Below. There's someone out there would will appreciate you for it.

Thank you!

JP Bailey, LMFT

Kindle Book: "Emotional Freedom Techniques for Codependency"

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